Friday, January 13, 2017

Recovery and Self Care

I haven't posted anything the last two weeks because I got a ridiculous cold like thing just before new years. Suffice to say it was awful and lasted way to long for my liking. I don't get sick very often so when I do I like to take advantage of the situation and try to enjoy myself. When I was sick this last time I finished reading a book series, colored in a new coloring book I gave myself for Christmas, wore fun colorful socks, took plenty of baths, snuggled in lots of blankets, and drank TONS of tea. Also I whined, acted miserable, and was a general pain in my husbands butt. A nice change from my point of view, haha!

So, when I started to get better I made nourishing broths full of herbs like nettles, thyme, and rosemary. I wanted to get lots of minerals so I salted my food decently, utilized as many herbs as I could, and took baths in epsoms salt. It was nice to take time for myself, however when all was said and done my house needed a little tlc. Once I had enough energy I made sure to try and have fun while cleaning my house. Oddly, having my three year old help me while we listened to music (that annoyed my husband, but he didn't complain! He's such a sweetheart.) really helped. We danced and giggled, threw ourselves onto the bed, played hide and seek and somehow got the house clean.

Now I'm working on getting back into my regular routine. I've really liked not needing to exercise, but it is such an important part of self care that really makes me feel better. I've started a 30 day yoga thing that Tim Senesi is doing, 30 days to the total yoga body. I'm only on day three because of me being sick, but I really like that he doesn't have music and he tells you how to do the poses correctly. Anyway, its been nice to get back into a routine that I don't need to think about. I just go to the next day and do something gentle and not to difficult so that I can give my body time to adjust.

Alright, well now that I've let you know that I haven't fallen off the planet, I'm going back to deciding if I want to paint or color. Have a great weekend and hopefully, if the roads don't get to icy,  I'll have a video up in a few days.

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