
Sunday, March 11, 2012

My little girl

Well, she did it. Licorice had her kids today! Don't know who Licorice is? Well, I'll fill you in. She is the darling goat that I milked for my goat milk lady while she was off hunting, and is one of the two goats that I get my milk from. Find the post from my milking days here. The first goat that Stacy (my goat milk lady) was wanting to give me was one of her other goats babies, but she ended up having 3 boys, all snowy white, and no girl. But, Licorice did have 2 boys, and.. wait for it....A GIRL! She was the smallest and most likely the last to come out (she still had some leftover..stuff on her that her mom left on her but not on the boys) The mom is black, but the babies are all white with some blondish, kida' light, light, light orange on them. The girl has a little brown/black streek going down her neck. I want to name her Dala, it means luminescence; brightness; light in Norwegian. She snuggled in my arms, and started to fall asleep. When I put her down and I petted her she would wiggle her little tail. I went to say hi to the other goats, the chickens, the horses and the mule. When I came back she came up to me and wiggled her little tail. Suffice to say, I am a severely ecstatic, and truly delighted "mother"
I'll try and post more pictures tomorrow. 

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