
Monday, April 30, 2012

This is my current, "oh my goodness I want this!" list

2x3 Bonjour Printed Rug
welcome mat
Hammerpress No Whining Print
wall print
Wooden Owl Frame
owl frame
Glass Wall Bubble Vase
teranium wall bowl
WC Caddy
Reclaimed Wood Chalkboard
Reclaimed wood chalkboard
Conceal Single Shelf
conceal shelf. This is cool, you cant even see the shelf. 
View ProductView Productvarious hooks
These are all at urban outfitters, and yes I like them quite a lot. Perhaps I can finde simeler things at yard sales, I often do. te-he. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vampire for a night part 2

I won the book! Whoop whoop! So what do I get exactly? Well here is a refresher.

This book, which sounds like it will be amazing, signed by the author, July Kagawa.
 You can find the post that has the announcement here.
On another note I am supper excited about a new book that I read called enchanted by 

Alethea Kontis. It was magical and actually quite enchanting. It was a girl meats frog, girl kisses frog, frog turns into prince, and la tee da with a bit of a twist. Ok, a lot of a twist...but still. It was GREAT! Find more about it here

I mean seriously, isn't this cover beautiful? 
Have a great day everyone! Oh, and my dad want's me to tell you that he is now an award winning author. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vampire for a Night

Julie Kagawa (Author of the Iron Fay series and the immortal rules series) is having a contest for a book signed by her. I was super excited. Can we say fun? Oh ya. I took the quiz to see what kind of vampire I am and it said that I am unregistered and that I survive by scavenging on the fringes. Thus, I went with it. We made it a bit urban decay-ie with a bit of polluted looking air kind of thing. My dad plays Fallout so that's more of what he was able to envision when I was explaining what I knew of the story. Unfortunately I haven't read the book...yet. I will once I can get my hands on one and once school is out and I cant become distracted with all the shiny new library books. Te-he.
this is my favorite and my main picture for the competition.
Like the tribal tattoo? The symbol in the middle might be familiar to you if you look closer at the book cover. 
We went down to the old abandoned rail station so that we could get that "urban decay" feel.
Look into my eyesssss! you will give me a prize..... (evil vampire chuckle) 

Fallout baby! Vampires could so rule that game! 
Well, that's the end, after three locations and many, many interesting looks from people, I think we came up with some terrific photos. Have a great week everyone. 
To learn more about the book visit 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Great news

Hey, so yes I have bean neglecting my blog, but with good reason. I have bean so busy and, well....I'm getting married in a little over a month. So...ya, lots to do. Here are some neat ideas that me and my cousin have bean looking up and conjuring up.
lemon aid and mint water in mason jars, but we are going to put them in a  big wooden fruit basket thing. We are going to have Orange blossom and rose water to flavor them.

paper cones to hold tossing flowers, and put these in a big wicker basket for people to pick up.

different types of bottles and containers/vases to hold flowers for the tables, by the guest book, etc. 
old picture frames with pictures of us, to use for the bridal shower also. 
different types of branches (willow, those curly things) to use with fabric on tables and the fence and other places that you would bunch and hang the fabric. 
the ceremony is going to be on the patio, so I want to do something like the front part to make the awning look pretty. 
the seating is going to be woodden benches that my grandpa made and strawbales with afghans on top. 

I have so many other ideas, but I'll post those later, maybe, if I have time.